Off to Montreal for IA Summit 2005
These are the IA Summit 2005 presentations (complete conference schedule) I plan to attend and blog (with live updates, I hope, depending on connection availability).
- Persuasive technology: Using computers to change what we think and do
- Sorting out Social Classification - Panel (which includes a founder of Flickr) discusses the use of group tagging and categorization in leading social networks and associated apps
- Content Packaging and Metadata - Exploring how the BBC produces and packages content for consumption, in a world where broadcast media is distributed in non-linear forms
- IA for the Personal Info Cloud - Development and design framework for making information that is personally useful available on any device or application
- Information Objects - Applying what we know about a 3-D world in order to better understand and manipulate complex information
- The IA of things Part 1 - An industrial designer explores IA skills that will and won't transfer to designing for devices with real interfaces
- The IA of things Part 2 - Another industrial designer discusses how we will need to design for a world where product, software, functionality, interaction, information and environments have converged
- Rich Internet Applications - Stateless GUIs that utilize a network connection to provide perception of real-time activity. Session explores case studies, benefits and appropriate uses of RIAs.
- Information Visualization: The IA Connection - Explores research into different Web-based info visualization tools, predominant tools, and how they can be used to improve Web site design
- Machines of Loving Grace: User experience for ubiquitous computing - Exploring how ubicomp changes they way we present and organize information
Thanks to my employer Yahoo! and my boss Marky Mark for this opportunity. If anyone sees this, and is attending, say hi if you get the chance.
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