Thursday, September 29, 2005

Bill Strickland knows how to change the world

Bill Strickland is a MacArthur Genius, innovator of hybrid non-profit/for-profit institutions, director of leading culinary, horticultural, music, chemical and pharmaceutical training and services centers. He started his programs in inner-city Pittsburgh, and is spreading the love to other American cities and the world.

Design of Leadership presentation at AIGA 2005: (taken from AIGA presentations page.)

Quotes from the presentation [emphasis mine]:
  • "The way you solve the problem of violence is not to talk about violence reduction but to create communities that encourage different behavior."
  • "The way you think about people determines their behavior."
  • "The only thing wrong with poor people is that they have no money. That is a problem that is easily remedied."
  • "If you want to ... change lives, you have to look like the solution, not the problem."
  • "I'm in the attitude business."
  • "The sun is available for everybody ... not just for rich people."
  • "Go toward the light. Hold on to the light and take away the dark."
  • "Create spaces where people can understand their similarities and experience that on a day in and day out basis."
  • "Excellence, quality, doing the right thing is the cure for 'cancer'."
  • "My work requires constant reassurance ... that I'm doing the right thing."
  • "Depression accompanies this work ... the cure for the occupational depression ... make friends wherever you go. The next time you go back, you won't be lonely."
  • "Art is a portal out of poverty."

More about Bill Strickland:

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

What the Flock?

I just wanted to say that.

I'm posting this from Flock. Still trying to grok this thing.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I've got ads.

Just trying out this Ads by Yahoo! thing as part of the Yahoo! Publisher Network Beta.

Lots to learn: Tweaking, targeting, blocking, getting paid. Plus, I'm sure I've broken a bunch of things in the code. (Help me.)

But most of all, have to generate some content, some good content.